The Increasing Popularity of Hayek

Via Tyler Cowen, Hayek's most popular work, The Road to Serfdom, is now the number one non-fiction seller on Amazon. My first post on this blog (and albeit not a very good one as I look back) was on this book.


  1. I have been, and always will be a Salma Hayek fan. I'll have to pick this up.

  2. And then there was Glenn Beck...,2933,594265,00.html

    I was interested in reading "The Road to Serfdom" until Glenn Beck got all giddy about it. Now I don't think I'll be able to pick it up.

  3. I find that unfortunate (and surprising). It really is quite an impressive and though-provoking work, even if you disagree with much of Hayek's assertions.

    My question is why are you letting a charlatan like Glenn Beck influence your reading list? Immediately dismissing something based on his recommendation makes you no different than the suckers who instantly make the purchase. Either way, he's using the book to promote his product, not the ideas of the essay.

    When I made this post, I knew of Beck's recent influence. I was tempted to footnote it, but decided not to as I ultimately felt it was irrelevant. Maybe I should have, I don't really know. The basic point though, is if people are buying the book and reading the book (that's the most important part, of course) then the ideas are becoming more mainstream and popular. And in my opinion, that's a good thing.

    Besides, I think it was rated #5 or #6 on Amazon prior to the Beck promotion. So either way, it's pretty damn popular.
