Well Said, Sir

A gem of a comment from commenter dietwald on a recent Cafe Hayek post:

Every year, the US allows the immigration of hundreds of thousands of non-English speaking, uneducated, unproductive people who spend years taking advantage of the education and health care system without bothering to pay back one dime until they have been here for two decades or more. They cost billions, and many of them never bother to become productive members of society at all. Many will engage in various crimes, even murder, and the government is doing nothing to make sure they don't come here in the first place.

They are called babies.

Almost all the arguments against uncontrolled immigration can be equally applied to uncontrolled births. Considering that most immigrants want little more than make a living by providing services to willing customers, its quite easy to argue that immigrants - illegal or not - are probably less costly and harmful to the US than babies.

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